ETH Zurich appoints Prof. Dr. med. Giatgen Spinas as Honorary Councillor

Honoring for special services to medical education at ETH Zurich.

ETH Zürich Ehrenrat Giatgen Spinas

Traditionally, ETH Zurich takes the opportunity on ETH Day to recognize outstanding achievements. It honors individuals who have made a particularly noteworthy contribution in the field of teaching and research. As part of these honors, ETH Zurich's Vice President Research, Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther, summarized Giatgen Spina's career and achievements in the development of modern study programs in medical education at ETH.

Spina's tireless commitment to the medical education of the future has focused on laying the groundwork for the development of the Bachelor's degree program in Human Medicine and the connection to the advanced Master's degree program at the Università della Svizzera italiana - a very successful collaboration that is extremely popular among students.
His involvement also ranges from accrediting excellent continuing education courses to bringing together research and teaching in various initiatives.

What distinguishes Giatgen Spinas is the fact that he tirelessly directs the focus in medical education to meet the demands of the future. He has continuously developed proven structures and supplemented them with modern teaching methods. He also likes to take unusual paths, especially when it comes to significantly increasing the practical part of the training and thus giving students a better insight into clinical decision-making.

The entire Project Team Medicine congratulates from the bottom of its heart on this well-deserved honor and thanks him for his competent and dedicated commitment to medical teaching at ETH Zurich.

Insights into ETH Day 2022 can be found here

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